An iGen (or Generation Z) presents how iGens think, behave and "why they do, what they do". The talk looks into what makes iGens misunderstood as a disconnected, disinterested and disassociated generation with a diminishing attention span. In a lively manner, Atreyam (Leo) Sharma, 16 years old, demystifies the misconceptions the adult world carries. Changing the way iGens will forever be seen. Atreyam (Leo) is a teenager with a mission. He wants to use his knowledge of coding and gaming to bring a change in the way teenagers are perceived, educated and treated in the world of adults. He is the youngest Keynote Speaker in leading technology events in Europe, being teen entrepreneur, coder, teacher and hard core gamer. He is Co-Founder of Workshop4Me , a non-profit organization based in Luxembourg developing coding skills among children. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.
Understanding iGens